How much do oriel windows cost | Blog | John Knight Glass

Revealing the Price Tag: How Much Do Modern All-Glass Oriel Windows Cost?

In the world of contemporary architecture and interior design, the allure of all-glass oriel windows has become increasingly prominent. These sleek and transparent structures not only redefine the aesthetic appeal of a building but also introduce an abundance of natural light and breathtaking views into interior spaces. However, for those considering the installation of these modern marvels, one burning question often arises: How much do modern all-glass oriel windows cost? In this blog post, we embark on a journey to unveil the pricing intricacies of these stunning architectural features, shedding light on the factors that influence their costs and providing valuable insights for prospective buyers.

The Beauty of Modern All-Glass Oriel Windows

Modern all-glass oriel windows epitomize contemporary elegance, seamlessly blending form and function to create visually striking architectural elements. Unlike their traditional counterparts, which often feature frames or mullions, these windows boast uninterrupted expanses of glass, offering unobstructed views and a sense of spaciousness within interior spaces. Whether gracing upscale residences, commercial buildings, or avant-garde cultural institutions, all-glass oriel windows serve as captivating focal points that enhance both the aesthetic and practical aspects of a space.

Building the Oriel window base.

Installers lifting a large piece of glass into place.

Factors Influencing Costs

The cost of modern all-glass oriel windows is influenced by a myriad of factors, each playing a pivotal role in determining the overall pricing. Here are some key considerations:

  1. Glass Quality and Specifications: The type and quality of glass utilized significantly impact the cost of oriel windows. Options range from standard float glass to high-performance tempered or laminated glass, each offering varying levels of durability, energy efficiency, and optical clarity. Additionally, specialized coatings or treatments, such as low-emissivity (low-e) coatings or tinting, may incur additional expenses but can enhance thermal performance and privacy.

  2. Size and Configuration: The size and configuration of all-glass oriel windows can vary widely depending on architectural preferences and structural requirements. Larger or custom-designed windows may require additional engineering and fabrication, resulting in higher costs compared to standard-sized units.

  3. Frame Materials and Design: While the primary focus of all-glass oriel windows is on transparency, the choice of frame materials and design details can still impact pricing. Options include minimalist aluminum frames, structural glass fins, or even frameless systems, each with its own aesthetic appeal and cost considerations.

  4. Installation Complexity: The installation process for all-glass oriel windows may involve specialized techniques and equipment, particularly in cases where structural modifications or load-bearing considerations are necessary. As such, labor costs can vary depending on the complexity of the project and the expertise required.

  5. Location and Accessibility: Regional variations in labour costs, building regulations, and accessibility factors can influence the overall cost of installation. Projects located in urban areas with higher living expenses or requiring specialized equipment for access may incur additional charges.

Oriel window clamped into place whilst the structural glue dries.
Out installers expertly finishing the structural glass.

Average Costs of Modern All-Glass Oriel Windows

When installing into a new opening we can give the following costs as a guide, prices include the manufacture and installation of the base:

1000mm w x 1500mm h x  450mm deep: £4,688.00+VAT

1500mm w x1600mm h x 450mm deep £5,793.20+VAT

1800mm w x 1800mm h x 450mm deep: £6,878.00+VAT

2100mm w x 220omm h x 450mm deep £8,152.00+VAT



In conclusion, the costs of modern all-glass oriel windows are influenced by a multitude of factors, including glass quality, size, frame materials, installation complexity, and location. By understanding these considerations and collaborating with experienced architects and contractors, prospective buyers can develop realistic budgets and transform their architectural visions into reality. Whether enhancing residential sanctuaries, commercial spaces, or cultural landmarks, modern all-glass oriel windows embody the epitome of contemporary sophistication, seamlessly blending beauty with functionality to create spaces that inspire and captivate.

A Oriel window featuring a window seat.