Internal Glass Sliding Doors

As part of the refurbishment of her business premises Amanda Azzopardi wanted to add an internal industrial style sliding screen, creating a partition between the reception and consultation areas. Looking for sliding glass door to ensure maximum light flow and use of space was a key element of the overall design of the space.

With our new steel alternative sliding door we had the perfect product. Each panel within the door was split into 3 with 3 panels overall the rule of thirds is really at play here giving perfect symmetry and aesthetic design. Two out of three sections within each door have been fitted with reeded glass to given an element of privacy without prevent light transfer a key design element that not only work well but looks fantastic too, adding to the overall industrial feel of the product.

The dual sliding door has a fixed central panel with a sliding door at either end an unusual configuration that we wouldn't see in our residential work however is the perfect solution for this project. Giving both staff and customers a separate opening door each to enter the treatment rooms, anther example of how this bespoke door offers the perfect privacy solution for our client.

The doors can remain in both the open and closed position at all times allowing a more open plan feeling to the space when not in use. We had the doors manufactured oversized to span the entire height of the space removing any need for a bulkhead.

The finished result is a striking architectural feature at the centre of the aesthetic treatment centre, which hits the mark in terms of both form and function.