Knight Slide Sliding Door - configurations

Knight Slide Sliding Door Configurations

Our Knight Slide sliding door is available in a wide range of designs including double and triple track configurations for ultimate flexibility. With a maximum panel height and width of 2500mm, the Knight Slide is a great affordable option that will meet the demands of many projects.

Knight Slide Sliding Door Configurations

Dual Track, Dual Panel Configurations

Dual Panel Sliding Door - Right Fixed

Dual Panel Sliding Door - Right Fixed

A dual track sliding door with a fixed panel on the outside track and sliding panel on the internal track. The sliding door slides from left to right to open.

Dual Panel Sliding Door

Dual Panel Sliding Door

A dual track sliding door with two sliding door panels.

Dual Panel Sliding Door - Left Fixed

Dual Panel Sliding Door - Left Fixed

A dual track sliding door with a fixed panel on the outside track and sliding panel on the internal track. The sliding door slides from right to left to open.

Dual Track, Triple Panel Configurations

Dual sliding door with fixed panel.

Dual sliding door with fixed panel.

Dual track door with fixed sashes on the outside track and a central moving panel on the inside track. Central panel moves to the right when viewed externally.

Dual sliding door with fixed false sash.

Dual sliding door with fixed false sash.

Dual track door with fixed sashes on the outside track and a central moving panel on the inside track. Central panel moves to the left when viewed externally.

Dual Track, Four Panel Configurations

Dual sliding door and dual fixed side panels.

Four Panel sliding door can be configured on a flat pane or around a 90 degree corner creating a corner-less opening with 2 panels either side.

Triple Track Triple Configurations

Dual sliding door with one fixed panel.

Dual sliding door with one fixed panel.

Both the left and central panels can be moved to the right creating a large opening thanks to the triple track.

Dual sliding door with one fixed panel.

Dual sliding door with one fixed panel.

Both the right and central panels can be moved to the left creating a large opening thanks to the triple track.

Triple sliding panel door.

Triple sliding panel door.

All three doors can be opened giving maximum flexibility to have either all doors opened to the left or right.

6 Panel Door - Fixed Side Panels

6 Panel Door - Fixed Side Panels

Triple track six panel door with fixed panels at each end.