Internorm Studio HF 410 Timber/Aluminium Windows
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New I-Tec composite core window from Internorm offering Increased thermal and sound protection.


Technical Data

Thermal Insulation

Thermal insulation with standard triple glazing and highly thermally insulating edge seal (Ug = 0.5 W/m2K) Uw = 0.64 W/m2K
For best energy efficiency SOLAR+ glazing with Ug = 0.6 W/m2K and g value 62%

Sound Insulation

Soundproofing 33 - 46 dB

System Description

  • 85mm construction depth
  • Classic, square-edged and straight exterior and interior design
  • Highly thermally insulating thermal foam (HCFC, HCF and FC free)
  • Numerous colours and timber types to design the inside timber surface – matching your interior furnishings
  • Slim sight lines and larger window sizes due to I-tec Core
  • Attractive price/performance ratio
  • Triple gasket system

I-tec Features

iTec glazing logo


Flush Design

Modern square-edged design outside and inside, integration into the façade possible on three sides.

Studio HF310 flush design window profile

Ingenious Glazing System

Glass panes glued to the timber frame ensure good structural stability and high torsion resistance.

Ingenious Glazing System

Triple Gasket System

Three continuous gasket levels without with interruption ensure high impermeability.Three continuous gasket levels without with interruption ensure high impermeability.

HF310 triple gasket system